Addiction is a problem that affects millions of people around the world but thankfully massage can help relieve the stress of addiction when you’ve decided to say “no, enough is enough!” Many people suffering from an addiction that have been to a doctor decide that sometimes...
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“Are you lonesome tonight?”. So went the lyrics to that old crooners’ ditty from the pre-rock era. In fact, loneliness has been a subject for poets and songwriters since time immemorial. Frank Sinatra even recorded a concept album entirely devoted to songs of sorrowful isolation, Songs For...
Vitamin D
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It’s a feature of the health pages that never seems to go away. Vitamin D. Every day, you can half-interestingly scan the lifestyle sections of papers and you’ll find it in there somewhere. Our sedentary, indoors lifestyles can mean that we’re not getting enough of it. Or we could be taking...
Some of the best ing...
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The article below is going to go through the best ingredients that are within the essential oils that you find in most if not even all essential oil products. So if you’ve found a product which tells you that it’s perfect for massaging clients or just massaging your partner, that doesn’t...
More Benefits of a T...
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Today we’re going to be talking about what are the benefits of having a Tantric Massage and what it can do for you after you’ve had such a brilliant experience. We will be going through health benefits on both the body and mind as there is a lot of benefits from this type of massage that...